Monday, December 10, 2018

Configuring Clients for Environments with Both Shared and Dedicated Servers

If a shared server is configured on the server side, and a client connection request arrives when no dispatchers are registered, then the request is processed by a dedicated server process. If you want a particular client always to use a dispatcher, then configure (SERVER=shared) in the CONNECT_DATA section of the connect descriptor. For example:
If the (SERVER=shared) attribute is configured and a dispatcher is not available, then the client connection request is rejected, and a message is sent to the client.
If the database is configured for a shared server and a particular client requires a dedicated server, then you can configure the client to use a dedicated server in one of the following ways:
  • You can configure a network service name with a connect descriptor that contains (SERVER=dedicated) in the CONNECT_DATA section. For example:
  • You can configure the client profile file, sqlnet.ora, with USE_DEDICATED_SERVER=on. This adds (SERVER=dedicated) to the CONNECT_DATA section of the connect descriptor the client uses.
    If USE_DEDICATED_SERVER is set to ON, then existing (SERVER=value) entries in connect descriptors are overwritten with (SERVER=dedicated).

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